New York College of Chiropractic
IFEC in Paris
Chiropractic students have a host of elective school courses from which to choose. Cox&174; Technic Flexion-Distraction and Decompressionis taught at nearly all chiropractic schools as either a single topic course (core or elective)or incorporated into mixed techniques courses. Many chiropractic students are introduced to Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression principles early in their professional training. Some school courses are taught by activecertified Cox Technic doctors with the course syllabus on file wtechnic schoolith Cox Technic which thereby exempts students who satisctorily complete the course from having to take Part I prior to attending Part II and taking the certification examination as long as the Part II is taken within 2 years of graduation. Please check with the school and verify with Cox Technic that the course is exempt (has an active certified doctor teaching and has a syllabus on file).These schools offer flexion-distraction in their school courses (elective, core, or incorporated in technique courses) as of this posting:
Palmer College of Chiropractic - Davenport, Florida, California
Parker College of Chiropractic
School Courses? technic school,Canadian Memorial College of Chiropractic
Western States College of Chiropractic
Texas College of Chiropractic
Logan College of Chiropractic
Life University
This list may change as chiropractic school course offerings change due to instructors, syllabus, etc. School courses taught by active certified instructors with a syllabuson file with Cox Technic are qualified for Cox Technic Certification Seminar Part I exemption.
Cleveland College of Chiropractic - Kansas City, Los Angeles
National University of Health Sciences - LSchool Courses? technic schoolombard, Florida
Southern California University of Health Sciences